Create letters & documents - personal customer

Create letters & documents - personal customer

A document  can be generated against a personal customer, application, finance agreement .. etc. Document template will be used to generate the documents.  

Below illustrates the steps on how to generate a document against a personal customer but the same process applies when generating  document against a finance agreement, application etc. All that is different is you will navigate to the application to generate a document against the application or navigate to the finance agreement to generate a document against the finance agreement.

1. Navigate to Customers-> Personal Customer Search

2. Using the filter options, search for the customer.  (click on the button once the filter selection has been made):

3. Once the personal customer has been found, select them (via the link on their Name or Number

4. This will redirect to the Display Personal Customer page for the selected customer. Click on the Actions Panel  -> Letters & Documents -> Create Letter(Customer)

5. Filling the following information to generate document against the selected customer. 

Template : drop down list of active document templates for the finance company of the customer as per the customer document configuration. Drop down will list only the document templates that have been configured against personal customer document configuration. more information about document configuration is illustrated in this link
Customer : select the customer from the drop down list. 
Custom Letter Text : Text box allowing users to enter text that can be added to the document template.  The text will be placed in the display/document variable “CustomLetterText” if it exists in the email template. This is a useful way to allow text that is not generic but more specific to individual documents.  Steps on how to add display/document variables inside email template is mentioned in this link (step 15).

6. After providing the details click on  to generate the document or for any reason , you would like to exist out of this, click on  button. 

Once document is generated against the customer, it will appear in the Documents tab on Display Personal Customer page. select Documents tab (if quick links are enabled) or from the drop down. 

Also the generated document will be placed in the output queue if one exist against the documnt template, so that it can be emailed out. In order to check the output queue related to the document, open the generated document by clicking on the link via Description. This will redirect to the Display Customer Document page and details related to document can be seen as follows. 

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