Document / display variables (example)

Document / display variables (example)

When creating the soft copy document that is attached to the document template, there are specific document variables that can be used, which will automatically populate those fields with the information that has been recorded from the loan application .

Here is a video that show show to find document/display variables as detailed below.

To learn how to create a document template in Fusion, click here.

1. Firstly, decide on what document you would like to create. Examples include letters when a loan application is accepted or declined, loan settlements, contracts, agreements, guides, etc. The document has to be relevant to the template.

2. Determine what information needs to be recorded against the document and taken from the loan application. Examples include First Name, Surname, Loan Number, etc.

3. Create a draft of the document based on step 1 and 2 above .  A sample loan offer document is outlined below:

Re: Unsecured Personal Loan Offer Summary

Account reference:     <%LoanNumber%>

Dear <%FirstName%><%Surname%>

On behalf of all the investors in your Unsecured Personal Loan, we would like to congratulate you on the successful acceptance of your loan offer.

Below is a summary of the loan offer you have accepted:

4. Test this by adding this document to a workflow:

5. Then check to see if the fields in the document template have been populated:

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