How to create a document template

How to create a document template

Document templates are used as a way for customers to provide and obtain information about applications, finance agreements, listings, investments.. etc. Document templates can be defined at originator group level. Documents sent out are based on the templates to ensure consistency.

This document will be outlining the steps on how to create a document template. 

1. Navigate to Home Pages > Notification Management:

2. Select the Document Templates option under Templates :

3. Select the icon on the far right which will provide a drop down list of document template types to choose from. Select the one that is applicable e.g. Customer Document Template:

4. This will display the Create Document Template screen, that can be filled in accordingly (depending on what is required of the document template):

The fields are outlined in more detail below:

A. The Finance Company field is a drop down list with a list of all finance companies to choose from, and is required to create a template:

B. The Originator Group field is a mandatory drop down list with a list of originator groups to choose from NOTE: if the Finance Company has been selected, by default it should automatically select the Originator Group:

C. The Description field is a text field with a 100 character limit, that is required to outline what the document template is and the intended purpose:

D. The Email Template field is a drop down list with all email templates that have been created:

To find out more about email templates, click here.

E. The SMS Template field is a drop down list with all SMS templates that have been created previously and that would be relevant to this document template:

To find out more about SMS templates , click here.

F. The Note Category field is a drop down list with all of the note categories that have been created previously and that would be relevant to this document template:

To find out more about Note Category , click here.

G. The Note Text field is used to enter specific information that relates to the note category:

H. The Output Queue field is a drop down list of all available output queues that have been created previously and that would be relevant to this document template :

I. The Present To Customer and Present To Originator options are used to allow the document template to be viewed by the customer as well as the originator. Simply enable the checkbox next to the option until there is a tick:

J. To save the document template, select the button or the button to go back to the document template creation screen.

5. Once created, it will display the document template in the list of all available templates:

6. After creating the document template the next step will be to add an actual document to the document template. Instruction on how to do that is mentioned in this link

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