Creating note content

Creating note content

There are a number of predefined note categories that exist in the platform that will be generated when certain actions or events take place. A finance company is able to modify the content of a note to be specific down to originator group and product level where applicable. The content that will be generated when the note is created, can be defined as well as the content that will be used when / if the note is communicated via a SMS message. 

1. Log into Clearmatch Fusion with the relevant credentials:

2. Navigate to Configuration > Organisational Structure

3. Select the Originator Group Products option under Originator Groups :

4. Using the Filter Options, search for the product (click on the  button once the filter selection has been made): 

5. Once the product has been found, select it (click on the link via the Originator Group or Product)

 6. This will redirect to the Display Originator Group Product page for the selected product. Select the Note Content association tab (alternatively select it from the drop down list or quick links if enabled):

7. Using the Filter Options, search for the Note Category required to create note content for. In this example, one will be created for Listing Approved:

8. Check to see if an SMS has already been created for the note category (this will show in the Content Type heading):

9. If this does not exist, click on the Actions Panel  > Functions > Add Note Content:

10. In the Note Category drop down list, select Listing Approved:

Click on the  button to continue.

11. Select SMS as the Content Type from the drop down list:

12. Enter the details of the SMS message in the Content field:

Click on the  button to create the note content. To exit out of the process, click on the  button.

13. Following steps 1 - 8 above, check to ensure that the Listing Approved note category has the SMS Content Type added:

Note content can contain "display variables" i.e. variables that can be replaced with data from the platform when the note is generated. The display variables that can be used are dependent on the norte category, example a note category that references an application can use the display variables from an application, a note category that references a finance agreement can use display variables from a finance agreement etc. Display variables in Clearmatch for details on display variables.
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