Setup personal customer email configs

Setup personal customer email configs

Email configurations allow business to define which email templates are available for emailing from which parts of the system. This allows a finance company to control which templates are used. 
Before creating the email configurations, email templates need to be created and this link includes the steps on how to create email templates. 
This document will include the steps on how to create personal customer email config and same steps can be followed to create email configs for business customer, application, finance agreement and listing. 
In order to create a personal customer email config, 

1. Navigate to Home pages -> Notification Management 

2. Select the Personal customer Email Configs option under Email configuration 

3.  In the number of items to show filter, ensure that 500 entries has been selected, the purpose of doing this is to check and ensure that there has not been one setup previously. 

4. To setup a new personal customer email configuration setting, click on the icon in the top right hand corner 

5. Select the Finance company from the drop down list, that this workflow is associated with:

6. Select the Originator Group  from the drop down list 

7. Select the email template from the drop down list. NOTE : this is an email template that has been already created. 

8. To complete setting up the personal customer email configuration, click on Save button. For any reason if you would like to exit out of this, click on the Cancel button. 
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