Create an approved payee

Create an approved payee

You can create an approved payee which is a company, institution or individual that has a specific payment agreement setup for the convenience of the borrower. 

 1. If the approved payee is a business, first create an organisational  customer record for the party you would like to pay and add their bank account.  If the approved payee is an individual first create a personal customer record for the party you would like to pay and add their bank account.

 2. Go to  Home Pages -> borrowing ->  Approved Payee - Business OR Approved Payee - Personal

3. Select the   icon to add the customer as an approved payee. Select the finance company and search for the customer that you have created using filter options, add a description and click on Save. Note: Description field can include the details of the customer or any reference you need . 

 4. After creating the approved payee, find the application that you would like to make a disbursement payment for. Click on the application and go to Actions -> Pay out  -> Approved Payee 

5. Enter the amount to be paid in the Amount field and in the payee drop down list, select the approved payee that has been created. click on Save.

6. Select the disbursement tab in the application page and it will show the payment that will be made. 

7. By default the remaining balance of the application will automatically be disbursed allocated to the default party. See here for details

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