Create an email - personal customer

Create an email - personal customer

Finance company users can send emails to customers directly from within a customer record within Clearmatch Fusion.

The email will be sent using the available email templates based on the email configurations defined and the correct data points relevant to the customer will be inserted into the email template. Refer to this link. in order to find out how to setup email configurations as it will only allow email templates that have been setup under email configuration to be sent out. 

1. Login to Clearmatch Fusion with the relevant credentials:

2. Navigate to Customers Personal Customer Search:

3. Use the Filter Options to search for the customer (click on the button once the filter selection has been made):

4. Once the personal customer has been found, select them (via the link on their Name or Number

5. This will redirect to the Display Personal Customer page for the selected customer. Click on the Actions Panel  > Emails > Create Email:

6. From here, the Template can be selected from a drop down list, the Customer drop down list will show the existing customer for the selected personal customer and there is a formatting section where the details for the Customer Letter Text can be entered.  It allows customers to enter text on the fly in to the email at the time of manually generating an email. 

In order to send out information provided inside Customer Letter Text area with the email, it is required to have â€śCustomLetterText" display/document variable inside  the email template. Then the â€śCustomLetterText" variable will get replaced with the information provided in Customer Letter Text area when the email is generated.  Steps on how to add document/display variable inside an email template is mentioned in this link

NOTE: The Template drop down list will only show existing templates that have already been set up under email configs. To add new email templates to the email config list, please follow the instructions in this article

Click on the  button to create the email or the  button to return back to the Display Personal Customer page.

7.  Once created, the status of the email can be viewed on the Messaging association tab (alternatively it can be selected from the drop down list or via quick links if enabled): 

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